This guidance note from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) outlines a System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP) on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Outlining 14 key performance indicators, the action plan aims to ensure that all UN entities meet the specific requirements of integrating gender equality measures in their programmes and evaluations.
A slideshow presentation given by Isabel Suarez which provides an overview of the use of the performance indicator is available here.
"The ultimate goal is that all UN system entities “meet requirements” related to this Performance Indicator in terms of integrating gender equality and empowerment of women (GEEW) in their respective evaluations. However, achieving this is only considered a starting point to fully integrating gender dimensions in evaluation processes, rather than an end in itself. UN entities should continually strive to “exceed requirements” if the UN system is to truly benefit from gender responsive evaluation practice.
Nevertheless, integrating gender dimensions in evaluation is still a relatively new area of practice in evaluation. Institutional and methodological challenges exist and a shift in the way evaluations are conducted is required. The development and testing of new gender responsive approaches and methods must also be undertaken and fully implemented. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that UN entities may not be in a position of ‘meeting requirements’ for this indicator immediately, and a 3-5 year period is more realistic.
It is expected that the act of monitoring and reporting against this indicator will provide constructive momentum for reviewing progress made and reflecting on continuing challenges so as to improve performance over time, at both the level of the individual entity and the UN system." (UNEG, 2014)
- Implementing and Reporting Against the UN SWAP Evaluation Indicator
- What are the UNEG gender-related Norms, Standards and Guidance?
- What should be included in the meta-review/evaluation?
- UN SWAP Evaluation Scorecard
- Online Reporting System
- Annex 1: UN SWAP - Individual Evaluation Scoring Tool
- UN SWAP - Meta-Review/Evaluation Scoring Tool
- Annex 2: Example of Non-Applicable of UN SWAP Evaluation Scorecard Evaluability Criterion
- Annex 3: Example UN SWAP Completed Individual Evaluation Scoring Tool
- Example Completed UN SWAP - Meta-Review/Evaluation Scoring Tool
United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), (2014), UN SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator Technical Note. Retrieved from: