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Uganda evaluation standards
This set of standards was developed by the Uganda Evaluation Association (UEA) in order to guide evaluations that take place in Uganda to ensure a good standard of practice is demonstrated by evaluators during evaluationStandards for Evaluation in the UN System
This set of standards and norms, developed by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), are designed to increase the professionalisation of evaluation and provide guidance on the Realist synthesis: illustrating the method for implementation research
This paper, written by Jo Rycroft-Malone, Brendan McCormack, Alison M Hutchinson, Kara DeCorby, Tracey K Bucknall,Bridie Kent, Alyce Schultz, Erna Snelgrove-Clarke, Cheryl B Stetler, Marita Titler, Lars Wallin and Val Wilson describesImpact evaluation of development programmes: Experiences from Viet Nam
This paper, written by Nguyen Viet Cuong for International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) explores some of the experiences and difficulties of evaluating the impact of progCompetencies for Canadian Evaluation Practice
This document outlines a set of competencies that evaluators should possess before conducting evaluations.2014-2017 Evaluation Strategic Plan - UN Women
This paper is the strategic plan for the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of UN Women (UNW).UNEG Strategy 2014–2019
This strategy document from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) outlines the strategic pathway for all work conducted by UNEG for the period 2014 - 2019.UN SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator Technical Note
This guidance note from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) outlines a System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP) on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.Cases in outcome harvesting
This report from The World Bank documents the pilot of a program that examines the use of outcome harvesting and the Bank's results management approach to understand how change happens in complex environments.Case study in outcomes evaluation: Mongolia
This case study from The World Bank looks at the use of outcome mapping to evaluate the effectiveness of a number of programs in Mongolia.Evaluation of the stronger families and communities strategy - Qualitative cost benefit analysis
This paper has been developed as part of the evaluation of the Australian Government’s Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2000-2004 (the Strategy).Complicated and Complex Systems: What Would Successful Reform of Medicare Look Like?
This paper, written by Sholom Glouberman and Brenda Zimmerman for the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, looks at the health careFrom intended strategies to unintended outcomes: The impact of change recipient sensemaking
This paper, written by Julia Balogun and Gerry Johnson, outlines a longitudinal, real-time analysis of planned change implementation to provide an explanation for the unintended results that come about from evaluation strategies.A synthesis of 25 impact evaluations
This paper, written by Henk van den Berg, analyses 25 impact evaluations of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs based on the Farmer Field School approach.External review of the peace, conflict and development (PCD) program
This report, written by Reychler, Scharbatke-Church and Thomas with support by Clegg and Heilman for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), evaluates the effectiveEvaluation of the 'stronger, smarter realities' program
An example of a COR used for an indigenous education program in Australia.Australian Government performance story report
This is an example of collaborative outcomes reporting (COR) used for a natural resource management program in South Australia.Castlemaine 500 project outcomes
This report is an example of a Collaborative Outcomes Report (COR) from a community sustainability project in Victoria, Australia. It is titled "How we ran a behaviour change program and the lessons we learnt".Dugong and marine turtle project final report executive summary 2009
This page describes the reporting outcomes of an Australian Government conducted COR process on a Dugong and Marine Turtle Project in Northern Australia.Performance Story
This is a concise description of ‘Performance Story’ written by Jess Dart and John Mayne for the Sage ‘Encyclopaedia of Evaluation’.Listening to smaller voices: using an innovative participatory tool for children affected by HIV and AIDS to assess a life skills programme
This paper details the evaluation of a Life Skills programme implemented by Family Health International (FHI 360), India.DFAT design and monitoring and evaluation standards
These updated design, monitoring and evaluation standards from the Australian Government aim to "improve the quality and use of Design and M&E products, and to integrate evaluative thinking into everyday work".NSW Government evaluation framework
This framework has been developed to guide the consistent and transparent evaluation of government programs in the New South Wales (Australia) State Government to inform decision making on policy directions, program design anIntegrating survey and ethnographic methods to evaluate conditional cash transfer programs
This paper describes the quantitative and qualitative research designs for survey and ethnographic methods have been combined in the evaluations of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs for the governments ofFour steps: Social Network Analysis
A slideshow presentation demonstrating the use of Node XL to do a social network analysis of data from twitter.Predicting the Future With Social Media
In this paper, Sitaram Asur and Bernardo A. Huberman argue that it is possible to use social media to predict real-world outcomes by analysing the chatter from twitter on specific topics.The role of collective action in securing property rights for the poor: A case study in Jambi province, Indonesia
This short paper summarises the results of a case study analysing the role of collective action in securing property right for the poor in two Indonesian villages.Research to Impact: Case Studies for Natural Resource Management for Irrigated Rice in Asia
Divided into four main parts this book aims to share lessons and experiences and document cross-country learning in 11 countries from bridging research and extension to fostering multi-stakeholder partnership for “research to impact.” intoTackling health inequalities through partnership working: learning from a realistic evaluation
This paper, authored by David Evans and Amanda Killoran, reports on an evaluation of a program designed to test a variety of models aimed at tackling health inequality.Timeline of project activities: Early childhood nutrition and anaemia prevention project
Produced for the Early Childhood Nutrition and Anaemia Prevention Project, Fred Hollows Foundation, this Summary Report presents a large amount of non-numeric data effectively through the use of a timeline of the project.Informal traders lock horns with the formal milk industry: The role of research in pro-poor dairy policy shift in kenya
This paper, written by C. Leksmono, J. Young, N. Hooton, H. Muriuki and D.Stakeholder participation in agricultural research projects: a conceptual framework for reflection and decision-making
This paper, written by Andreas Neef and Dieter Neubert, proposes a new framework for participatory agricultural research.