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  • Orient the evaluator / evaluation team

    The evaluator(s) need a clear understanding of what needs to be evaluated.  They need to obtain as much background information on the project / program as possible, its implementers, the intended beneficiaries, and its specific context.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Guider l’évaluateur ou l’équipe d’évaluation

    L’évaluateur doit bien comprendre ce qui doit être évalué. Il doit obtenir autant de renseignements généraux que possible sur le projet ou le programme, les responsables de sa mise en oeuvre, les bénéficiaires prévus et son contexte précis.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Identify reporting requirements

    Identify the primary intended stakeholders and determine their reporting needs, including their decision-making timelines. Develop a communication plan.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Develop reporting media

    Produce appropriate written, visual, and/or verbal products that communicate the findings.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Consider the implications of the resources available and specific constraints

    Identify the resources that can be used for the evaluation, and any particular constraints for them.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Tenir compte des répercussions des ressources disponibles et des contraintes spécifiques

    Il faut cerner les ressources qui pourront être utilisées aux fins de l’évaluation y compris potentiellement les suivantes
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Develop recommendations

    Draw on the findings and an understanding of the implementation environment to make recommendations such as how the programme can be improved, how the risk of programme failure can be reduced or whether the programme should continue. (This is often useful…
    Rainbow Framework
  • Collect and/ or retrieve data

    Decide how to collect or retrieve data to answer the Key Evaluation Questions.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Identify primary intended users

    Clarify who will actually use the evaluation—not in vague, general terms (e.g. "decision makers") but in terms of specific identifiable people (e.g. the manager and staff of the programme; the steering committee; funders deciding whether to fund this…
    Rainbow Framework
  • Decide purposes

    Clarify the intended uses of this evaluation—is it to support improvement, for accountability, for knowledge building? Is there a specific timeframe required (for example, to inform a specific decision or funding allocations)? If there are multiple…
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D Hub: Check the results support causal attribution (strategy 2)

    Checking the consistency of results means analysing data in systematic ways to check the extent to which it matches what would be expected if it has worked, in order to understand whether a causal relationship exists between variables.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Principles and Protocols for the BetterEvaluation team

    Ten foundational principles and protocols will guide BetterEvaluation core team and members of the project working team (present and future) in their engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • C4D: Participatory Matrix

    Participation is a fundamental element of C4D, and should, where possible and appropriate, be incorporated into RM&E as a means of developing effective, innovative and sustainable C4D.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Principles: C4D RME Framework Summary

    The C4D Evaluation Framework was developed to reflect the needs and values of Communication for Development. The Framework is made up of seven interconnected principles. These principles guide our choices about R,M&E. 
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Frame

    Framing R,M&E involves being clear about the boundaries of the R,M&E. Why is the R,M&E being done? What are the broad R,M&E questions it is trying to answer? What are the values that will be used to make judgments about whether it is good…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Understand causes and contributions

    Most evaluations need to investigate what is causing any changes observed. This involves selecting methods for investigating causal attribution and contribution.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Participatory

    Inclusion; dialogue; partnership; human rights-based Participation is a central principle for C4D, and therefore should be incorporated in the R,M&E of C4D. Participatory R,M&E is undertaken in partnership with children and adoles
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Realistic

    Pragmatic; mixed-methods; grounded; flexible To be most effective, R,M&E approaches and methods need to be grounded in local realities.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Establish Decision making processes

    Many decisions will need to be made in the course of planning and implementing research monitoring and evaluation. To think about and implement effective decisions it is useful considers several factors.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Document management processes and agreements

    A number of documents (such as Terms of Reference (ToR), Request for Proposal (RFP) and/or Scope of Work) need to be created as part of the management of research, evaluations and studies. Such documents provide guidance, and they are particularly…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Develop initial description

    It is important to be clear about the boundaries of what will be included in an evaluation.  As part of this, it can be helpful to develop an initial brief description of what will be evaluated, which can provide a starting point for discussions to…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Use measures, indicators or metrics

    Measures, indicators or metrics are used to succinctly describe the context, implementation and/or results of an intervention (project, program, policy) such as inputs, processes or activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts. The terms are often used in…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Synthesise data across studies (research, monitoring data, evaluations)

    There are often questions beyond a single program or initiative, such as “Do these types of interventions work?” or “For whom, in what ways and under what circumstances do they work?” Answering these kinds of questions means locating the evidence,…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • About our project on 'Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings'

    The story behind the Project When the project was started with a grant from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPM&C), Indigenous Affairs, in July 2018, the need for cultural sensitivity and input from Aboriginal and Torres Stra
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Investigate possible alternative explanations

    Identify other factors that might have caused the impacts and see if it is possible to rule them out.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Understand and engage stakeholders

    Identify who has an interest in the evaluation in addition to the primary intended users, and whose interests need to be prioritised and why. Ensure their engagement throughout the evaluation.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Determine and secure resources

    Identify what resources (time, money, expertise, equipment, etc.) will be needed and available for the evaluation. Consider both internal resources (e.g. staff time) and external resources (e.g. participants' time to attend meetings to provide feedback).
    Rainbow Framework
  • Compare results to the counterfactual

    Develop an estimate of what would have happened without the intervention and compare that to the findings of what happened with the intervention.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Ensure accessibility

    Plan the reporting products to make sure they are accessible, including addressing issues such as limited time, low literacy, and disabilities.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Decide the timing of the evaluation

    Monitoring (the routine tracking and reporting of priority information about an intervention) and evaluation (a discrete study to produce an evaluative judgement about merit, worth or significance of an intervention) are distinct but highly…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Décider du moment de l’évaluation

    Vous devez décider, dans le cadre d’un plan qui intègre le suivi et l’évaluation, du moment où une évaluation doit commencer et prendre fin.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D: Analyse data

    Analysing descriptive data (data about what has happened or is happening) means looking for patterns, themes and making sense of and summarising the data. It is an important part of every RM&E system or study. Techniques for analysis should be…
    Communication for Development (C4D)