
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 28: Framing an evaluation: the importance of asking the right questions

    BetterEvaluation recently published a paper which presented some the confusion which can result when commissioners and evaluators don’t spend enough time establishing basic principles and understanding before beginning the evaluation.
  • Evaluation questions checklist for program evaluation

    Created by Lori Wingate and Daniala Schroeter, the purpose of this checklist is to aid in developing effective and appropriate evaluation questions and in assessing the quality of existing questions.
  • CDC: Checklist to help focus your evaluation

    This checklist, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helps you to assess potential evaluation questions in terms of their relevance, feasibility, fit with the values, nature and t
  • A quick primer on running online events and meetings

    Meetings and gatherings are vital components of evaluation. Often these are done face-to-face, however sometimes necessity or practicality makes meeting online the best option.
  • What are some processes that can be used to get agreement on the Key Evaluation Questions?

    The material from BetterEvaluation comes from a combination of curating existing material and co-creating new material.  This blog is part of an ongoing series about material that we have co-created with BetterEvaluation users.
  • L’évaluation en contexte de développement

    Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes souhaitant s’initier à l’évaluation de programmes, en particulier en contexte de développement et de coopération internationale. À cet égard, tout en déroulant le fil d’une démarche évaluative classique, il présente…
  • Tree maps: A tool for structuring, exploring and summarising qualitative information

    This tool makes use of qualitative information that is in the form of important distinctions or differences that people see in the world around them.
  • Formal meeting processes

    Studies have demonstrated that attendance at meetings and conferences, planning discussions within the project related to use of the program evaluation, and participation in data collection foster feelings of evaluation involvement among st
  • Hierarchical card sorting

    Hierarchical card sorting (HCS) is a participatory card sorting method designed to provide insight into how people categorise and rank different phenomena.
  • Conducting effective meetings

    This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides a number of strategies to ensure that meetings reach stated objectives in an engaging and productive manner.
  • Malawi exports treemap

    This Wikipedia page is an example of an export trading treemap developed by the Observatory of Economic Complexity of MIT Media Lab and the Center for International Development at Harvard University.