
  • Essential tools to track your social media data

    This infographic by Infographic World identifies the key data to be measured and specific tools and applications for tracking different social media profiles.
  • How does the commissioning process hinder the uptake of complexity-appropriate evaluation?

    Drawing on interviews with 19 UK evaluation commissioners and contractors, this paper investigates the role of evaluation commissioning in hindering the take-up of complexity-appropriate evaluation methods and explores ways of improving thi
  • Canva

    Canva is a very simple, free to use, online infographic creation platform. It has a drag and drop interface and a range of templates that you can adapt.
  • NSW Government evaluation toolkit

    This web-based toolkit has been developed to help program managers in New South Wales (Australia) government agencies manage evaluations (including those undertaken by internal or external evaluators, or by a combination of both).&nbsp
  • Week 16: Infographics to make your evaluation results go viral

    Continuing our season of blogs on presenting evaluation findings in ways that will get them read (and hopefully used), Joitske Hulsebosch, an independent consultant, contributes her ideas on how to present your findings in the for
  • Announcing the IDRC program managers' guide to evaluation and the GeneraTOR

    We’re excited to announce the launch of the BetterEvaluation and IDRC (International Development Research Centre) Program Managers’ Guide to Evaluation and GeneraTOR.
  • L’évaluation en contexte de développement

    Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes souhaitant s’initier à l’évaluation de programmes, en particulier en contexte de développement et de coopération internationale. À cet égard, tout en déroulant le fil d’une démarche évaluative classique, il présente…
  • Key considerations for managing evaluations

    This guide from Pact South Africa is aimed at providing an overview of the key considerations that need to be assessed before and during the evaluation process.
  • An accountability framework for technological innovation

    This brief provides a range of recommendations to support organisations that are conducting research and design (R & D) to be more accountable.
  • Community scorecard approach for performance assessment - ProNet North's experience

    This WaterAid Ghana Briefing Paper, outlines ProNet North’s experience of using the Community Scorecard Approach to assess performance.
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • U-report

    U-Report is an SMS-based, user-centered social monitoring tool originally developed in Uganda and now being adapted in other countries around the world.
  • Evaluation accountability

    Evaluation accountability relates to processes in place to ensure the evaluation is carried out transparently and to a high-quality standard.
  • How to manage an evaluation and disseminate its results

    This guide from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) outlines the roles and responsibilities of evaluation managers during and after the evaluation has taken place.