
160 results

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  • Case Study Research: Design and Methods

    This book from Robert K. Yin provides detailed guidance on case study research.
  • Five misunderstandings about case-study research

    This article, written by Bent Flyvbjerg (Aalborg University, Denmark) examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research.
  • Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods)

    This book focuses by Robert K. Yin on case study design and analysis as a distinct research tool with wide applicability.
  • Successful public policy: Lessons from Australia and New Zealand

    This book is a collection of 20 examples of successful public policies in Australia and New Zealand. It aims to reset the agenda for teaching, research and dialogue on public policy performance.
  • Counting critically: SDG ‘follow-up and review’ needs interlinked indicators, monitoring and evaluation

    This IIED briefing paper discusses the role of global indicators in the monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation, review and follow-up at the national level. The paper advocates for a gr
  • Evaluation: A crucial ingredient for SDG success

    This IIED Briefing paper argues that, in order to be maximally useful to policymakers and citizens, the follow-up and review processes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must incorporate rigorous, country led eval
  • Five considerations for national evaluation agendas informed by the SDGs

    This IIED briefing paper advocates for using a ‘complex systems’ lens to approach the follow-up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals and discusses five key aspects of this perspective and their implications for national eval
  • Using case study in research - How to tell a 'good' story

    In this short paper, Lesley Greenaway, discusses the effective use of case studies in research to tell a 'good' story.
  • Encyclopedia of Case Study Research: Analytic Generalization

    Written by Robert Yin, this entry gives a clear overview of analytic generalisation from case studies, where it is appropriate, and how to effectively apply it.
  • Case Study Research: Design and Methods

    Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fifth Edition of Robert K. Yin’s bestselling text offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid research tool.
  • Week 32: Better use of case studies in evaluation

    Case studies are often used in evaluations – but not always in ways that use their real potential.
  • Evaluation at the endgame: Evaluating sustainability and the SDGs by moving past dominion and institutional capture

    “Business-as-usual evaluation will not suffice.
  • Case study evaluations - US General Accounting Office

    This guide from the US General Accounting Office outlines good practice in case study evaluation and establishes a set of principles for applying case studies to evaluations.
  • Using case studies to do program evaluation

    This paper, authored by Edith D. Balbach for the California Department of Health Services is designed to help evaluators decide whether to use a case study evaluation approach.
  • Case studies in action

    This article by Dr. Bernadette Wright and Dr. Ladel Lewis (Meaningful Evidence) discusses how case studies are commonly misunderstood and how they can be effectively utilised.
  • Public impact fundamentals and observatory

    The Public Impact Fundamentals are a framework developed by the Centre for Public Impact to assess what makes a successful policy outcome and describe what can be done to maximise the chances of achieving public impact.
  • Case study

    This web page from EuropeAid provides a detailed overview of case studies including why, when and how they are used and how they are carried out.
  • UNICEF webinar: Comparative case studies

    What does a non-experimental evaluation look like? How can we evaluate interventions implemented across multiple contexts, where constructing a control group is not feasible?
  • Multiple lines and levels of evidence

    Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in terms of different ind
  • Journals and logs

    Journals and logs are forms of record-keeping tools that can be used to capture information about activities, results, conditions, or personal perspectives on how change occurred over a period of time.
  • Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs): Learning from Africa, Americas, Asia, Australasia, Europe and Middle East

    This book is focused on case studies highlighting the experiences of regional and national VOPEs.
  • Integrity

    Integrity refers to ensuring honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical behaviour by all those involved in the evaluation process.
  • Cultural competency

    Cultural competency involves ensuring that evaluators have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to work respectfully and safely in cultural contexts different from their own.
  • Feasibility

    Feasibility refers to ensuring that an evaluation can be realistically and effectively implemented, considering factors such as practicality, resource use, and responsiveness to the programme's context, including factors such as culture and
  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives

    Inclusion of diverse perspectives requires attention to ensure that marginalised people and communities are adequately engaged in the evaluation.
  • Independence

    Independence can include organisational independence, where an evaluator or evaluation team can independently set a work plan and finalise reports without undue interference, and behavioural independence, where evaluators can conduct and re
  • Evaluation accountability

    Evaluation accountability relates to processes in place to ensure the evaluation is carried out transparently and to a high-quality standard.
  • Transferability

    Transferability involves presenting findings in a way that they can be applied in other contexts or settings, considering the local culture and context to enhance the utility and reach of evaluation insights.
  • Utility

    Utility standards are intended to increase the extent to which program stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs.
  • Professionalism

    Professionalism within evaluation is largely understood in terms of high levels of competence and ethical practice.
  • Propriety

    Propriety refers to ensuring that an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in it and those affected by its results.
  • Systematic inquiry

    Systematic inquiry involves thorough, methodical, contextually relevant and empirical inquiry into evaluation questions. Systematic inquiry is one of the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association: