What is the value of using mixed methods in impact evaluation? What methods and designs are appropriate for answering descriptive, causal and evaluative questions?
The second webinar in this series provides an overview of data collection and analysis methods in an impact evaluation, including how to choose methods to match different types of key evaluation questions, good data management, sampling methods, and the value of using mixed methods. Select questions from the Q&A at the end of the webinar have been included.
Do you have advice for involving stakeholders from the beginning of an evaluation to help with the uptake of the findings?
Is there a rule of thumb for the appropriate response rate to surveys? As in do we need a 70% response rate of total population size to consider the data of good quality or is it more complicated?
I understand that using mixed methods is best practice in order to triangulate data, but are there cases where this may not be necessary? E.g. in impact evaluations that use modelling methods to estimate the likely impact of a policy.
The findings, interpretations and opinions expressed in the webinars are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The presenters are independent impact evaluation experts who were commissioned by UNICEF to prepare the webinars and use their own knowledge and judgement on key issues and to provide advice. The questions and comments reflected in the Q & A materials are based on those submitted by UNICEF staff as part of this capacity-building initiative. They do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNICEF.
The webinars were commissioned by UNICEF and UNICEF is entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights which bear a direct relation to the contract under which this work was produced. The materials on this page are subject to a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) and may be used and reproduced in line with the conditions of this licence.
Rogers, P. (2015, March). Overview of Impact Evaluation. Impact evaluation webinars for UNICEF [Webinar]. Retrieved from:
Methodological brief
This is part of a series
'UNICEF webinar: Overview of data collection and analysis methods in Impact Evaluation' is referenced in: