UNICEF webinar: Participatory approaches in impact evaluation

Who should be involved in an impact evaluation, why and how?

The underlying rationale for choosing a participatory approach to impact evaluation can be either pragmatic or ethical, or a combination of the two. In the final webinar of this series, Irene Guijt discusses taking a participatory approach in impact evaluation.

In the last impact evaluation webinar, Dr. Irene Guijt unpacks how to undertake an evaluation that is meaningful to different stakeholders – and specifically to programme participants. She takes us through each step on an evaluation, asking ‘who should be involved, why and how?’



Have you used SenseMaker in your research and if so, how?

Should the participation levels of different stakeholders be the same? For example, authorities at local level, the participation of the people or beneficiaries or participation of some kind of community committee? Are the methods or steps you talked about, the same?

In sharing the draft findings, how can the voices of children be best incorporated in the feedback, particularly when there are power differences involved, and there are trust and confidentiality issues? Is there any best practice that can be shared?

Comment: I would recommend reading, "Who Counts" to learn more about these participatory statistical techniques to learn more about how these methods are gaining momentum in the context of development - http://www.ids.ac.uk/publication/who-counts-the-power-of-participatory-statistics


The findings, interpretations and opinions expressed in the webinars are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The presenters are independent impact evaluation experts who were commissioned by UNICEF to prepare the webinars and use their own knowledge and judgement on key issues and to provide advice. The questions and comments reflected in the Q & A materials are based on those submitted by UNICEF staff as part of this capacity-building initiative. They do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNICEF.

The webinars were commissioned by UNICEF and UNICEF is entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights which bear a direct relation to the contract under which this work was produced. The materials on this page are subject to a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) and may be used and reproduced in line with the conditions of this licence.


Guijt, I. (2015, April). Theory of Change. Impact evaluation webinars for UNICEF [Webinar]. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/KRptX_DNL2Q

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