51 results
Filter search resultsHandbook for participatory action research, planning and evaluation
This guide, written by Jacques M Chevalier and Daniel J Buckles for Participatory Action Research, provides a set of tools and processes that can be used to engage people in complexResourceThe Participation Toolkit: Supporting Patient Focus and Public Involvement in NHS Scotland
This toolkit, developed by the Scottish Health Council, provides a range of tools and methods that can be used to support the involvement of clients in the design and deliverResource52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 36: Supporting appropriate participation in evaluations
BlogStoryboard Logic Models Activity
This worksheet by the Action Evaluation Collective gives a steps by step run down of how to use storyboards to engage people in telling their stories. It's focus is on working with and engaging young people in a participatory process.ResourceParticipatory methods
This website from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) focuses on the where, why and how of using participatory methods for development programs.ResourceAction and reflection: a guide for monitoring and evaluating participatory research
This paper from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) was designed to support those involved in participatory research and development projects with monitoring and evaluation stratResourceTracking emerging networks
This guide was developed for the NextGen programme of the Prince Claus Fund to get insight into how young and creative organisations change over time, and how such organisations develop their interactions as a group or network.ResourceParticipation not for you? Four reflections that might just change your mind
This month we start a series on participation in evaluation by Leslie Groves and Irene Guijt. This blog series aims to explore one simple question: How can we best open up evaluation processes to include those intended to benefit from a specificBlogPositioning participation on the power spectrum
In the second blog in the 4-part series about participation in evaluation, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves focus on making power relationships and values in 'participatory' evaluation processes explicit to avoid tokenistic partBlogChoices about voices
In this third blog in the participation in evaluation series, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves share frameworks to approach and make decisions about the level of stakeholder involvement during different evaluation stages.BlogStill Hesitating? Let's bust some myths around increasing stakeholder participation in evaluation
In the final blog in the 4-part series, Leslie Groves and Irene Guijt address some of the most common forms of resistance to increasing levels of participation in evaluation.BlogThe most significant change: Using participatory video for monitoring and evaluation - insight guide
This article describes experiments done by Insight using participatory video(PV) for monitoring and evaluation, in particular the combination of Most Significant Change (MSC) ideas with PV.ResourcePress release example: Balancing accountability and improvement
This example of a press release discusses the release of a voluntary statewide survey about patients’ experiences with inpatient care at Massachusetts hospitals.ResourceSupporting good evaluation
This presentation and paper from the Bruner Foundation guides the reader through the evaluation process and provides a step by step process for commissioning an evaluation.ResourceCommunicating and reporting on an evaluation
This module helps private voluntary organization staff facilitate learning among individuals, groups, and organizations by communicating and reporting evaluation processes and findings more effectively.ResourceIncreasing participation in evaluation – Bruner Foundation guide
The "Increasing participation in evaluation" bulletin was developed by Anita Baker with Beth Bruner to help organizations integrate evaluative thinking into their organizational practice.ResourceMultimedia project evaluation rubric
This rubric from is designed for the evaluation of multimedia projects and it contains eleven criteria, with four grading options.ResourcePurposes of assessment - Keystone guide
This webpage from Keystone Accountability outlines the six major reasons that social organizations monitor, assess and report their performance and results.ResourceParticipatory monitoring and evaluation for natural resource management and research
This guide from the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) provides a detailed guide to the use of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) with a particular emphasis on natural resource managemeResourceParticipatory program evaluation manual – involving program stakeholders in the evaluation process
This guide from the Child Survival Technical Support Project and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was designed to support staff evaluate development programs and projects.ResourceGuide to trend analysis, a Tiny Tool
This guide from NGO-IDEAS provides a detailed description of the purposes and uses of its Trend Analysis Tiny Tool.ResourceEvaluation in family support services
This online guide, written by Robyn Parker and published by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, aims to prompt family support service providers to think carefully and systematically about evaluaResourceDesigning and facilitating creative conversations & learning activities
This resource is a companion to The Barefoot Guide 2: Learning Practices in Organisations and Social Change, providing a practical support guide for designing and facilitating engaging and productive conversations and learning experiences.ResourceParEvo: A web-assisted process enabling the participatory exploration of alternative futures
ParEvo is a method of developing alternative past histories or future scenarios using a participatory evolutionary process (hence ParEvo).ResourceTime to listen: Hearing people on the receiving end of international aid
The book Time to Listen: Hearing People on the Receiving End of International Aid provides a rich overview of international aid, from the perspective of those who receive financial assistance.ResourceWho counts? The power of participatory statistics
This workshop by Jeremy Holland for the Institute of Development Studies was streamed live on May 1st, 2014.ResourceParticipatory learning and action
Participatory Learning and Action is a subscription based journal published bi-annually by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).ResourceThe group savings resource book - A practical guide to help groups mobilize and manage their savings
This book, written by Ji-Yeune Rim & John Rouse for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provides detailed guidance on setting up group savings plans.ResourceParticipatory impact assessment: A design guide
This guide, written by Andy Catley, John Burns, Dawit Abebe, and Omeno Suji for Tufts' Feinstein International Center, provides a framework for practitioners to design and implement a Participatory Impact Assessment (PIA).ResourceDiseño de evaluaciones de impacto: Perspectivas diversas
Los debates sobre los enfoques en el diseño de la evaluación de impacto parecen haber experimentado un impase en los últimos años.ResourceDesigning impact evaluations: Different perspectives
This 3ie Working Paper series covers both conceptual issues related to impact evaluation and findings from specific studies or synthetic reviews.ResourceParticipatory approaches
This guide, written by Irene Guijt for UNICEF, looks at the use of participatory approaches in impact evaluation.Resource