
  • DFAT design and monitoring and evaluation standards

    These updated design, monitoring and evaluation standards from the Australian Government aim to "improve the quality and use of Design and M&E products, and to integrate evaluative thinking into everyday work".
  • Evaluability assessment for impact evaluation

    This document provides an overview of the utility of and specific guidance and a tool for implementing an evaluability assessment before an impact evaluation is undertaken.
  • Peer review and self-evaluation

    This toolkit from the Australian National University (ANU) provides a range of resources that demonstrate the use of both peer review and self evaluation in order to develop reflective practice in t
  • Australian Volunteers program monitoring, evaluation and learning framework

    This example of a monitoring, evaluation and learning framework sets out the approach to assessing the performance of the Australian Volunteers Program. This resource and the following information was contributed by Jo Hall.
  • Toonlet

    This web-based application makes it possible to draw cartoons, by creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text.
  • Participatory monitoring and evaluation for natural resource management and research

    This guide from the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) provides a detailed guide to the use of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) with a particular emphasis on natural resource manageme
  • Self-assessment

    Self-assessment is an individual reflection on one's skills, knowledge and attitudes related to evaluation competencies.
  • Cartoons

    Cartoon images can be used by evaluators to an understanding of program impact, scenes of program implementation, main findings or issues.