
  • Enhancing evaluation use: Insights from internal evaluation units

    This book, co-edited by Marlène Läubli Loud and John Mayne, offers invaluable insights from real evaluators who share strategies they have adopted through their own experiences in evaluation.
  • UNICEF: Statistics and Monitoring

    In collaboration with a wide range of partners, UNICEF gathers evidence on the situation of children and women around the world.
  • WISE: Web Interface for Statistics Education

    WISE's website organises a large amount of statistics resources available on the web into one central place.
  • Excel for evaluation

    This website, created by Ann Emery, provides a series of short videos on using Microsoft Excel to analyze data.
  • The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

    This slide show provides an overview of this option and lists the advantages and disadvantages of its use. There are also a number of examples of covariance and linear regression equations. 
  • How do we use advisory groups effectively in evaluation?

    This guest blog by Marlène Läubli Loud aims to start a discussion about what advisory group practices work well in what situations.
  • L’évaluation en contexte de développement

    Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes souhaitant s’initier à l’évaluation de programmes, en particulier en contexte de développement et de coopération internationale. À cet égard, tout en déroulant le fil d’une démarche évaluative classique, il présente…
  • The most significant change: Using participatory video for monitoring and evaluation - insight guide

    This article describes experiments done by Insight using participatory video(PV) for monitoring and evaluation, in particular the combination of Most Significant Change (MSC) ideas with PV.
  • Press release example: Balancing accountability and improvement

    This example of a press release discusses the release of a voluntary statewide survey about patients’ experiences with inpatient care at Massachusetts hospitals.
  • Supporting good evaluation

    This presentation and paper from the Bruner Foundation guides the reader through the evaluation process and provides a step by step process for commissioning an evaluation.
  • Communicating and reporting on an evaluation

    This module helps private voluntary organization staff facilitate learning among individuals, groups, and organizations by communicating and reporting evaluation processes and findings more effectively.
  • Increasing participation in evaluation – Bruner Foundation guide

    The "Increasing participation in evaluation" bulletin was developed by Anita Baker with Beth Bruner to help organizations integrate evaluative thinking into their organizational practice.
  • Multimedia project evaluation rubric

    This rubric from is designed for the evaluation of multimedia projects and it contains eleven criteria, with four grading options.
  • Purposes of assessment - Keystone guide

    This webpage from Keystone Accountability outlines the six major reasons that social organizations monitor, assess and report their performance and results.
  • Impact evaluation steering committee: Terms of reference

    These Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Impact Evaluation Steering Committee for the Research Into Use (RIU) programme outlines the functions, objectives and outputs of the steering committee.
  • Evaluation in family support services

    This online guide, written by Robyn Parker and published by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, aims to prompt family support service providers to think carefully and systematically about evalua
  • Descriptive and multivariate statistics

    In this chapter from Exploring Crime Analysis Readings on Essential Skills, the key principles of descriptive and multivariate statistics are demonstrated so as to provide practitioners with the basic
  • Evaluation advisory groups

    This journal from the American Evaluation Association (AEA) provides a detailed overview of Evaluation Advisory Groups with chapters devoted to the roles of groups in a variety of evaluation scenarios.
  • Who counts? The power of participatory statistics

    This workshop by Jeremy Holland for the Institute of Development Studies was streamed live on May 1st, 2014.
  • Frequency distribution tables

    This webpage from Statistics Canada demonstrates how to construct four different types of frequency distribution tables. Each example comes with clear instructions and a detailed example of the final product.
  • Advisory group

    An advisory group can be established to provide advice on an individual evaluation, a series of evaluations, or the evaluation function within an organization.