
  • Causal Attribution Video

    This video guide, produced by UNICEF, outlines three broad strategies for causal attribution: 1) estimating the counterfactual; 2) checking the consistency of evidence for the causal relationships m
  • Knight lab - storytelling tools

    This suite of tools is useful for creating highly interactive, beautiful representations of data.
  • Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards (Second Edition)

    This second edition of Rethinking Social Inquiry has the aim of redirecting ongoing discussions of methodology in social and political science.
  • Contemporary thinking about causation in evaluation

    This paper was produced following a discussion between Thomas Cook and Michael Scriven held at The Evaluation Center and Western Michigan University’s Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation program jointly hosted Evaluation Cafe´ event on
  • Week 35: What is Visionary Evaluation?

    Today we start a series on "visionary evaluation" - the theme of the 2014 American Evaluation Association conference in October.
  • Week 36: Systems thinking

    This is #2 in our series on visionary evaluation. This year’s AEA Conference theme is visionary evaluation – systems thinking, equity and sustainability.  Which begs the question what is systems thinking?
  • Week 37: Why is equity so important in evaluation?

    This is #3 in our series on visionary evaluation.  
  • Week 38: Addressing sustainability in evaluation

    This year’s AEA theme of visionary evaluation challenges evaluators to consider how their work can contribute to a sustainable future.  In this week’s blog post, we’ve asked Will Allen for advice about how evaluations can address susta
  • Week 40: Visionary Evaluation AEA 2014 song

    To celebrate the start of the 2014 conference of the American Evaluation Association, we're delighted to be able to share the lyrics and music of the Visionary Evaluation AEA 2014 song to make it easier to sing along during and after the co
  • Week 43: Evaluating sustainability

    Meeting sustainability goals is one of the most important and urgent challenges for humanity yet for many of us, thinking about sustainability in evaluation means assessing the extent to which the benefits of a project, programme or policy
  • Bradford Hill criteria for causal inference

    Based on a presentation at the 2015 ANZEA Conference, this free downloadable book presents the Bradford Hill criteria and discusses some ways of using them in practice to draw causal conclusions.
  • The environment and disease: Association or causation?

    In this original article from 1965, Sir Austin Bradford Hill, Professor Emeritus of Medical Statistics, lays out what will ultimately come to be known as the Bradford Hill criteria.
  • Environmental flows monitoring and assessment framework

    This resource from the Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology provides a framework for assessing environmental flow management plans.
  • Making causal claims

    This brief, authored by John Mayne for the Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative argues the need for a different perspective on causality.
  • Impact evaluation: A guide for commissioners and managers

    This guide, written by Elliot Stern, aims to support managers and commissioners in gaining a deeper and broader understanding of impact evaluation.
  • The rigor of case-based causal analysis: Busting myths through a demonstration

    This paper focuses on the utilisation of case-based designs for conducting causal analysis and dispelling two misconceptions about their use in the context of evaluation.
  • UNICEF webinar: Overview: strategies for causal inference

    What is causal attribution? Do you need a counterfactual to determine if something has caused a change? Professor Patricia Rogers provides an overview of how to determine causal attribution in impact evaluations.
  • Ushahidi

    Ushahidi is an open-source mapping and crowdsourcing tool that can be used by organizations to collect, manage and analyse crowdsourced info.
  • Monitoring and evaluation for thinking and working politically

    This article explores the challenges of monitoring and evaluating politically informed and adaptive programmes in the international development field. Authors Thomas Aston, Chris Roche, Marta Schaaf & Sue Cant.