Competencies are the skills, knowledge, attributes and behaviours needed to fulfil particular roles.
Competency frameworks can be used to strengthen individual and organisational capacity in terms of Knowledge, Skills and Competencies, as shown in the following diagram from the UNAIDS (2010) Standards for a Competency-based Approach to Monitoring and Evaluation Curricula & Trainings.
Source: UNAIDS (2010, p.11)
Competencies can also be used to recruit staff, create or select evaluation teams, develop an internal evaluation function, signal what is needed for effective M&E, and develop accredited education programs delivered by external providers such as universities.
Competencies can be stated in terms of a list or linked to a rating scale (such as entry/novice, proficient/skilled, mastery/expert).
Some competency frameworks relate to M&E, many to evaluation only and some to monitoring.
Competency frameworks can be developed by government departments (for example, the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa), by VOPEs - Voluntary Organisations for Professional Evaluation (for example, the International Development Evaluation Association IDEAS), or by a network of organisations such as The Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health).
Some competency frameworks relate to evaluators or monitoring officers only, and others address a number of different roles, including program managers.
Evaluation Competency Framework for Government (South Africa)
The South African Government's 2014 Evaluation Competency Framework for Government set out competencies for three different roles involved in the evaluation of government programmes and policies:
The programme manager
The internal M&E advisor
The internal or external evaluator or evaluation team member
Key Competencies for the Monitoring Function (Global Partnership for BetterMonitoring)
The Global Partnership for Better Monitoring 2021 Key Competencies for the Monitoring Function set out competencies for four different roles:
Data collection, visualisation and management (often done by a monitoring officer, project officer, information officer or enumerator)
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) management (often done by an M&E manager)
Program management (often done by an activity manager or program manager)
Organisational management (often done by a CEO or member of the senior management team)
Competencies for development evaluation evaluators, managers, and commissioners (IDEAS)
The IDEAS 2012 Competencies for development evaluation evaluators, managers, and commissioners were developed for three different roles:
Development Evaluation Evaluators - an individual who (1) self-identifies his or her primary or secondary profession as evaluation and (2) works or seeks to work as an evaluator of development interventions
Managers of international development evaluations - those who have general oversight of an evaluation of a development intervention, typically with the title of Project Officer or Project Manager
Commissioners of international development evaluations - the main clients for the development evaluation – these include members of the board of organisations, parliamentarians, executive directors, or those in similar roles.
Competencies by VOPEs
Competency frameworks developed by VOPEs have focused on competencies for evaluators, including those developed by SAMEA (South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association), ANZEA (Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association), AEA (American Evaluation Association).
UNAIDS (2010). Standards for a Competency-based Approach to Monitoring and Evaluation Curricula & Trainings. Retrieved from:
Global Evaluation Initiative (2022). MESA Guidance Note: Diagnostic Tool for a Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis. Retrieved from
Expand to view all resources related to 'Competency frameworks'
- A précis of the evaluation competency literature
- AEA statement on cultural competence in evaluation
- AEA365: Laurie Stevahn and Jean King on Essential Competencies for Effective Qualitative Evaluators
- Choosing an evaluator: Matching project needs with evaluator skills and competencies (Principal Investigator's Guide)
- Competencies & credentials for development evaluators: update on an ideas initiative
- Competencies for development evaluation evaluators, managers, and commissioners
- Competencies for Canadian Evaluation Practice
- Credentialed evaluator competencies template
- Crosswalk of Evaluator and Evaluation Manager Competencies and Characteristics
- Evaluation Competencies for Evaluation Specialists
- Evaluation competency framework for government
- Evaluator competencies 2011
- Evaluator competencies: The South African Government experience
- Health Policy Project: Capacity development resource guides and competencies
- Health Policy Project: Strengthening capacity in policy, advocacy, governance, and finance: A facilitator guide for organizational capacity assessments
- Key competencies for the monitoring function
- Professionalization of evaluation competency framework for evaluators
- The 2018 American Evaluation Association (AEA) Evaluator competencies
- The African evaluation principles
- United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Evaluation competency framework
- Using M&E to improve government performance and accountability: A glance of 6 countries’ NES
'Competency frameworks' is referenced in:
- National M&E Systems :
- Evaluation career guide :
- Evaluation career guide :
- Rainbow Framework :