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- X Guide
Evaluation café
This web page, by Karsten Weitzenegger, provides a comprehensive guide to using evaluation or World Cafe as a method for stakeholders to evaluate a program in a workshop-style session.Contribution analysis - Social science methods series
This paper, written by Franca Eirich and Anita Morrison for the Scottish Government, provides detailed guidance on contribution analysis and its use in Scottish settings.Questionnaire design: asking questions with a purpose
This guide, written by Ellen Taylor-Powell for Cooperative Extension, provides detailed guidance and examples for designing and writing questionnaires.Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide
This book, written by Rachel Glennerster & Kudzai Takavarasha, provides step-by-step guidance on running randomised impact evaluations of social programmes.Strong evaluation designs for programs with unexpected consequences
This webinar, presented by Jonathan Morell to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), looks at creating evaluation designs for programs that have unexpected consequences.Realist synthesis: an introduction
This guide, written by Ray Pawson, Trisha Greenhalgh, Gill Harvey and Kieran Walshe for the ESRC Research Methods Programme, provides an introduction to using realist synthesiEvidence-based policy: A realist perspective
This book, written by Ray Pawson, provides a critique of the meta-analytic approach and argues that the realist synthesis is a better way of understanding program theory, therefore enabling properly targeted policies to address the conConducting multiple site evaluations in real-world settings
This 2002 edition of New Directions for Evaluation, edited by James M. Herrell and Roger B.Using Data for Good: The Potential and Peril of Big Data
This presentation, given by Lucy Bernholz at the Next Generation Evaluation: Embracing Complexity, Connectivity and Change conference on November 14th 2013, discusses the use of big data as a positive tool for change, whilstBuilding a Strategic Learning and Evaluation System for Your Organization
This report, written by Hallie Preskill and Katelyn Mack for the Foundation Strategy Group (FSG), provides detailed guidance on taking a strategic approach to evaluation.Gender and economy in Melanesian communities: A manual of indicators and tools to track change
This manual, developed by Michelle Carnegie, Claire Rowland, Katherine Gibson, Katharine McKinnon, Jo Crawford and Claire Slatter, provides a range of tools that can be used to collect information about gender equality and economy in MField guide for evaluation
This guide from Pact provides detailed guidance on each part of the evaluation process.Toolkit for gender sensitive participatory evaluations
These presentations, given by Ranjani Murthy for the Institute of Social Studies Trust, focus on various participatory evaluation tools that can be used in gender-sensitive and qualityAn Introduction to Data Mining
This website, developed by Dr. Saed Sayad, includes a detailed classification of data mining methods.A guide to measuring advocacy and policy
This guide, written by Jane Reisman, Anne Gienapp and Sarah Stachowiak for the Annie E.Reconstructing baseline data for impact evaluation and results measurement
This paper, written by Michael Bamberger for the World Bank, analyses why baseline studies are not always conducted and then outlines strategies that can be used to reconstruct baseline data latCoexistive model of evaluation
This paper, written by Dr Kate Roberts for Roberts Research and Evaluation, outlines a Coexistive model of evaluation which aims to ensure the perspectives of all important stakeholders are retained.Development of a coexistive evaluation model for Landcare Queensland
This paper, written by Kate Roberts, describes the use of a Coexistive evaluation model to design and implement an evaluation of Landcare Queensland.Developing and evaluating complex interventions: new guidance
This paper, prepared by Peter Craig, Paul Dieppe, Sally Macintyre, Susan Michie, Irwin Nazareth and Mark Petticrew for the Medical Research Council, outlines strategies for the development, implementSimplifying complexity
This presentation, given by Eric Berlow for TED, highlights a variety of tips that can be used to distill complex issues so they are more simple by using a graphic of the US strategy in Afghanistan.Ralph Stacey's agreement & certainty matrix
This paper from Brenda Zimmerman outlines the use of Ralph Stacey's Agreement & Certainty Matrix.Thinking systemically: Seeing from simple to complex in impact evaluation
This slide show is from a presentation given by Professor Patricia Rogers, Dr.The Cynefin Framework
This video from Dave Snowden of Cognitive Edge introduces the Cynefin Framework which is a tool that allows the user to see things from different points of view, assimilate complex conceptsMoving from outputs to outcomes
This report by Burt Perrin offers evidence that countries are moving away from evaluating the performance of government on activities, inputs and outputs, and focusing instead on a results-driven approach.Outcome mapping: Building learning and reflection into development programs
This book by Sarah Earl, Fred Carden and Terry Smutylo takes an original approach to assessing development impacts by focusing on the way in which people relate to each other and to their environment rather than simply evaluating the pEvaluating Human Capital Projects
Evaluating Human Capital Projects is a practical guide to planning, evaluating and improving all types of human capital projects. Its central theme is that organisations do not always value 'softer' investment in people as highly as oThe Quick and Dirty on Data Visualization
This blog post by Nancy Duarte for the Harvard Business Review outlines five questions that should be asked before deciding how to visualise data.Review of evaluation approaches and methods for interventions related to violence against women and girls (VAWG)
This paper, written by Michaela Raab and Wolfgang Stuppert for the UK Department for International Development (DfID), assesses theHow to do a rigorous, evidence-focused literature review in international development
This guidance note from Jessica Hagen-Zanker and Richard Mallett of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) outlines an eight-stage approach to writing a literature review that complies with the principles of a sysUsing humanitarian evaluation for change: Insights from humanitarian practitioners
This guide, written by Alistair Hallam and Francesca Bonino for Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), outlines a framework for strengthening the capacity of humanitarian evGuidance for the design of qualitative case study evaluation
This guide, written by Professor Frank Vanclay of the Department of Cultural Geography, University of Groningen, provides notesPublic Service Transformation: Introductory guide to evaluation
This guide from the Public Service Transformation Network aims to support evaluation of the effectiveness of work to transform public services.