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- X Commissioners/managers of evaluation
Criteria for selection of high-performing indicators
This checklist, created by Goldie MacDonald for The Evaluation Center, provides a set of criteria that can be used for identifying and selecting indicators for evaluation in collaboration with stakeholders.Criterios de selección de los indicadores de alto rendimiento
La lista de verificación incluye criterios basados en la práctica que deben tenerse en cuenta en la selección de los indicadores que se usarán para el monitoreo y la evaluación.Critères de sélection d’indicateurs de haute performance
La liste de contrôle comprend des critères centrés sur la pratique, à prendre en considération dans le choix des indicateurs à utiliser dans le suivi et l’évaluation.Uganda evaluation standards
This set of standards was developed by the Uganda Evaluation Association (UEA) in order to guide evaluations that take place in Uganda to ensure a good standard of practice is demonstrated by evaluators during evaluationField guide for evaluation
This guide from Pact provides detailed guidance on each part of the evaluation process.Moving from outputs to outcomes
This report by Burt Perrin offers evidence that countries are moving away from evaluating the performance of government on activities, inputs and outputs, and focusing instead on a results-driven approach.Participatory video and the most significant change. A guide for facilitators
The toolkit is designed to support you in planning and carrying out evaluations using participatory video (PV) with the most significant change (MSC) technique, or PVMSC for short.5 differences between complexity & systems thinking
This blog post by Sonja Blignaut for More Beyond discusses some of the clear distinctions between complexity thinking and systems thinking.Case study evaluations - US General Accounting Office
This guide from the US General Accounting Office outlines good practice in case study evaluation and establishes a set of principles for applying case studies to evaluations.How do we know if a program made a difference? A guide to statistical methods for program impact evaluation
This guide, written by Peter M. Lance, David K. Guilkey, Aiko Hattori and Gustavo Angeles for MEASURE Evaluation, outlines core statistical and econometric methods for program impact evaluation.Facilitating management learning: Developing critical reflection through reflective tools
Although focused on viewing critical reflection through the scope of management learning, this article discusses a range of critical reflection tools that have been drawn from other professional areas, such as storytelling, metapDesigning initiative evaluation: A systems-orientated framework for evaluating social change efforts
This guide from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation outlines a systems-oriented framework for initiative and cluster evaluation and includes four general designs that can be used.Evaluation plan template
These New Zealand Aid Program documents are designed to allow users to input data and information in a pre-formatted evaluation plan template.Australian Government performance story report
This is an example of collaborative outcomes reporting (COR) used for a natural resource management program in South Australia.Castlemaine 500 project outcomes
This report is an example of a Collaborative Outcomes Report (COR) from a community sustainability project in Victoria, Australia. It is titled "How we ran a behaviour change program and the lessons we learnt".Dugong and marine turtle project final report executive summary 2009
This page describes the reporting outcomes of an Australian Government conducted COR process on a Dugong and Marine Turtle Project in Northern Australia.DFAT design and monitoring and evaluation standards
These updated design, monitoring and evaluation standards from the Australian Government aim to "improve the quality and use of Design and M&E products, and to integrate evaluative thinking into everyday work".NSW Government evaluation framework
This framework has been developed to guide the consistent and transparent evaluation of government programs in the New South Wales (Australia) State Government to inform decision making on policy directions, program design anGuidelines for evaluation terms of reference
This tool from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides a template for developing a Terms of Reference (ToR) for an evaluation.Guidelines for selection of evaluation consultants for project evaluations
This guide from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides detailed guidance on the selection of evaluation consultants and includes a number of checklists that canProject manager's guide to managing impact and process evaluation studies
This guide from the US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) provides detailed guidance on selecting and managing evaluation by using a stCommunicating research - A beginner’s guide for researchers in Vietnam
This guide, authored by Ajoy Datta and Arnaldo Pellini of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), aims to provide strategies to help researchers better understand and deal with the complex problHiring M&E staff: Guidelines and tools for locating and hiring strong monitoring & evaluation candidates
This guide, authored by Clara Hagens and Guy Sharrock for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the American Red Cross, outlines a step-by-step process for identifying evaluation needs and hiring staff to ensure quality proUtilization-focused evaluation: A primer for evaluators
If you are new to utilisation-focused evaluation (UFE), this primer allows you to grasp the essentials of the approach, and the benefits as experienced by both commissioners and grantees alike.Las Evaluaciones Orientadas al Uso
"Esta Guía se destina a evaluadores que han oído hablar de las EOU, y que están interesados en probar el uso del enfoque.Évaluation axée sur l’utilisation
"L ’Évaluation axée sur l’utilisation (l’ÉAU) facilite un processus d’apprentissage dans lequel les personnes dans le vrai monde appliquent les conclusions et les expériences d’évaluation à leur travail.Tool kit on gender equality results and indicators
This tool kit, written by Juliet Hunt for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and AusAID, aims to provide development practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure gender perspectives are considered when developing internLearning from research: Systematic reviews for informing policy decisions
This guide from the Alliance for Useful Evidence is an introduction to systematic review and the necessary steps that should be considered as a part of the process.Timeline of project activities: Early childhood nutrition and anaemia prevention project
Produced for the Early Childhood Nutrition and Anaemia Prevention Project, Fred Hollows Foundation, this Summary Report presents a large amount of non-numeric data effectively through the use of a timeline of the project.Informal traders lock horns with the formal milk industry: The role of research in pro-poor dairy policy shift in kenya
This paper, written by C. Leksmono, J. Young, N. Hooton, H. Muriuki and D.What is impact evaluation?
This video lecture given by Professor Howard White for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) provides an introduction to the importance of impact evaluation.A kit of tools for participatory research and evaluation with children, young people and adults
This tool kit, developed by Save the Children Norway, provides a range of methods and tools that can be used by groups that work with children to encourage participation in research and evaluation.