
  • EAA advocacy evaluation guide

    This guide, written by Cristina Mansfield for Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), presents a set of simple guidelines that can be used for evaluating advocacy initiatives.
  • The value iceberg: weighing the benefits of advocacy and campaigning

    BetterEvaluation Discussion Paper 1 is a thought piece written by Rhonda Schlangen and Jim Coe (independent consultants), members of the BetterEvaluation Community, and is intended to promote discussion.
  • Avaliação para o investimento social privado: Metodologias

    Este livro reúne um conjunto de contribuições oriundas do Seminário Internacional Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado: Metodologias, realizado em julho de 2013 no Rio de Janeiro, pela Fundação Itaú Social, Fundação Roberto Marinho
  • VUE

    The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept and content mapping application developed to support teaching, learning and research.
  • Scapple

    Scapple is an easy-to-use tool for getting ideas down as quickly as possible and making connections between them.
  • Lucidchart

    A cloud-based flow chart maker with a number of usual features, including integration with programs like Visio. Cost: Free, but account required From the website:
  • TOCO

    Theory of change Online (TOCO) is web-based software (no download required) that you can use to design, edit and store your theory of change.
  • Dylomo

    Dylomo is a free, web-based tool that can be used to create interactive, online logic models.
  • Logframer

    Logframer is a free project design and management application based on the logical framework approach (LFA / Logframe).
  • The advocacy iceberg - episode 1: the value iceberg

    The pilot episode of this new podcast by Jim Coe features an interview with Rhonda Schlangen, co author with Jim of The Value Iceberg, a BetterEvaluation Discussion Paper about how the important elements of
  • Feminist evaluation approach is not just about women

    I am at the European Evaluation Society conference in Helsinki and I attended the gender and evaluation session to learn more about approaches and practices.
  • Advocacy and policy change: Theory and practice

    This book provides an evidence-based guide, toolkit and collection of evaluation cases for conducting effective advocacy and policy change evaluations.
  • Amplifying nonprofit voices: Bridging the advocacy evaluation gap

    This evaluation research report aims to better understand nonprofit advocates' ability to evaluate their advocacy capacity, strategies, and tactics; identify their evaluation needs; and develop recommendations on advocate-friendly evaluatio
  • Issues in assessing the policy influence of research

    This paper presents a methodology for assessing the influence of research on public policy.
  • A guide to monitoring and evaluating policy influence

    Using a literature review and interviews, this paper aims to provide an overview of the different approaches to monitoring and evaluating policy influence.
  • The Center for Evaluation Innovation

    The Center for Evaluation Innovation focuses on expanding evaluation practice in new directions and into new arenas.
  • The Art of Assessing the Impact of Advocacy Work

    This paper explores the complex and changing nature of advocacy work, arguing that in many cases standardized forms of Monitoring & Evaluation/ Impact Analysis (M&E/IA) are likely to be inappropriate, as they will probably
  • Handbook on monitoring, evaluating and managing knowledge for policy influence

    This handbook from the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) is designed to support research institutions develop mon
  • Assessing the impact of research on policy

    The authors of this review analyse various evaluation methods (including ethnographic and quantitative approaches, focus groups, process tracing, and network mapping and analysis) to find out which ones are the most suitable to evaluate the
  • Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI)

    Founded in 1998 as a project of the Independent Sector, the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI, now the Council for Nonprofits Everyday Advocacy) is
  • Advocacy impact evaluation

    This paper from Michael Quinn Patton presents a retrospective case study in which the  the potential influence of judicial advocacy efforts targeted at the Supreme Court is assessed.
  • Overview of current advocacy evaluation practice

    This paper from the Center for Evaluation Innovation provides a detailed overview of advocacy evaluation with a focus on the approaches being used.
  • Making change happen: Advocacy and citizen participation

    This paper provides an overview of issues related to advocacy and citizen participation, and may serve as a starting point for evaluation of the advocacy efforts of an organisation.
  • Unique Methods in Advocacy Evaluation

    This document describes four unique advocacy evaluation methods for assessing advocacy and policy change. 
  • Advocacy Planning and Evaluation Program Tools

    The Advocacy Planning and Evaluation Program (APEP) provides a range of free online Continuous Progress Tools to support advocacy evaluation.. 
  • The Elusive Craft of Evaluating Advocacy

    This article describes the challenges of evaluating advocacy organizations and outlines possible approaches that donors might use.
  • Green Media Toolshed

    Green Media Toolshed is a website that aims to provide tools and training to improve the effectiveness of 'green' messages' to the public from environmental movements"Green Media Toolshed's goals are to:
  • Discerning policy influence: Framework for a strategic evaluation of IDRC-supported research

    This background paper on frameworks for examining policy influence defines policy influence in a broad way, from enhancing policy capacities (i.e., strengthening the capacity of researchers to address policy questions), through broadening p
  • Evaluation of Research in Context: Quick Scan of an Emerging Field

    This report from the Rathenau Instituut provides an overview of the process and materials available for ensuring a better understanding of evaluating research in context.
  • Monitoring and evaluating advocacy: A Scoping Study

    This scoping study from ActionAid aims to analyse how a variety of NGO's approach the evaluation of advocacy projects and programs.  
  • Monitoring and evaluating advocacy: lessons from Oxfam's Climate Change campaign

    This article from Development in Practice analyses Oxfam GB's attempts to monitor and evaluate a global advocacy campai
  • A Practical Guide to Advocacy Evaluation

    This guide from the Innovation Network Inc. outlines a step by step  process for conducting evaluations on advocacy projects.