The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.
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- X Toolkit
Participatory video and the most significant change. A guide for facilitators
The toolkit is designed to support you in planning and carrying out evaluations using participatory video (PV) with the most significant change (MSC) technique, or PVMSC for short.A handbook of data collection tools
This handbook, written by Jane Reisman, Anne Gienapp and Sarah Stachowiak for the Annie E.Advocacy Evaluation Mini-Toolkit: Tips and Tools for Busy Organizations
This toolkit from Learning for Action (LFA) is designed to support the evaluation of advocacy campaigns and initiatives.Tool kit on gender equality results and indicators
This tool kit, written by Juliet Hunt for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and AusAID, aims to provide development practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure gender perspectives are considered when developing internMonitoring government policies: A toolkit for civil society organisations in Africa
This toolkit from the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), Christian Aid, and Trócaire aims to provide the tools necessary to gather evidence about government policies and press for change.Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
ICPSR is an international consortium made up of over 700 academic institutions and research organizations.A kit of tools for participatory research and evaluation with children, young people and adults
This tool kit, developed by Save the Children Norway, provides a range of methods and tools that can be used by groups that work with children to encourage participation in research and evaluation.Handbook for participatory action research, planning and evaluation
This guide, written by Jacques M Chevalier and Daniel J Buckles for Participatory Action Research, provides a set of tools and processes that can be used to engage people in complexLife skills education toolkit for orphans & vulnerable children in India
This toolkit, written by Dr.Developmental evaluation toolkit
This toolkit, developed by Spark Insight Partners (formerly Spark Policy Institute), offers a range of tools and resources to support not for profits and community organisations create sociaPeople first impact method: Facilitator’s toolkit
This toolkit, developed by Gerry McCarthy and Paul O’Hagan, is aimed at supporting facilitators in the teaching of the People First Impact Method (P-FIM) through a range of exercises.The Participation Toolkit: Supporting Patient Focus and Public Involvement in NHS Scotland
This toolkit, developed by the Scottish Health Council, provides a range of tools and methods that can be used to support the involvement of clients in the design and deliverThe EvaluateIT resource kit
This online resource kit simplifies the task of evaluating community-based information technology (IT) projects such as community websites, online interest groups, and internet training programs.A toolkit for monitoring and evaluation of gender-based violence
This is a guide to support organizations implementing GBV response and prevention activities in low-resource settings to improve and integrate monitoring and evaluation into their work in a way that ensures the dignity and respect for theirEval C3
EvalC3 is an organised set of tools for developing, exploring and evaluating predictive models of expected outcomes. This resource and the following information was contributed by Rick Davies.Программа «Система измерения и оценки для программ в области социального сиротства: онлайн-сервис, экспертная поддержка и вдохновляющие кейсы». Сборник кейсов.
Сборник кейсов, представляющий созданные рядом московских некоммерческих организаций системы измерения и оценки социальных результатов своей деятельности.Making wise decisions: A step-by-step guide to selecting the right data system
Making Wise Decisions is a toolkit to help your small or mid-sized organization better manage your data. This resource and the following information was contributed by Sam AdamsDabbling in the data
The guide and toolkit, Dabbling in the Data, includes detailed instructions for teams to use to delve more deeply into quantitative and qualitative data.SAVE Toolkit: Technologies for monitoring in insecure environments
In this toolkit from the SAVE research programme, users can find a detailed summary of technologies suited to monitoring in insecure environments, including applications, their pros and cons as well as many links to more detailed informatioThe community radio continuous improvement toolkit
This toolkit is a part of a self-review mechanism, developed in the context of Community Radio (CR) in India. It allows CR stations to periodically assess themselves on their performance.Ethnographic Action Research Toolbox
The Ethnographic Action Research (EAR) toolbox provides key tools (methods) and guidance needed to carry out Ethnographic Action Research.Doing qualitative field research on gender norms with adolescent girls and their families
This research and practice note offers practical advice, examples and tools to ensure gender sensitivity in evaluation and research with adolescent girls, with a focus on qualitative research methods.A toolkit for monitoring and evaluating children's participation
This 6-part toolkit provides guidance on how to monitor and evaluate children's participation in programmes, communities, and in wider society. It promotes participatory approaches to involve children in the monitoring and evaluation process.LEAD4innovation Toolkit: A toolkit for small-scale media and communication projects in the Pacific
This toolkit is being developed as part of the Mobilising Media for Sustainable Outcomes in the Pacific Region project.Stakeholder engagement toolkit
This toolkit, developed by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, provides a step-by-step guide to developing and implementing a successful stakeholder engagement plan.GDPR: Tips and tools
This toolkit gathers together some useful resources that organisations can use to help guide their data protection practices.Measuring what matters (a thinking tool)
Measuring what matters is a decision-support tool. It helps users select data collection methods based on:Evaluation tools
This website offers a toolkit for evaluators. Available on the EuropeAid website on evaluation, it details 13 key evaluation tools explaining what, why and when they should be used and how to implement them.Equal access participatory monitoring and evaluation toolkit
This toolkit aims to help communication for development (C4D) organisations to demonstrate the impacts and outcomes of their initiatives, listen to their listeners, continuously learn, and feed this learning back into the organisation and iNSW Government evaluation toolkit
This web-based toolkit has been developed to help program managers in New South Wales (Australia) government agencies manage evaluations (including those undertaken by internal or external evaluators, or by a combination of both). Impact evaluation toolkit
This toolkit from the World Bank provides a number of modules which guide the user on the design and implementation of impact evaluations.Peer review and self-evaluation
This toolkit from the Australian National University (ANU) provides a range of resources that demonstrate the use of both peer review and self evaluation in order to develop reflective practice in t